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New Opportunities Emerge as China's Waterborne Polyurethane Takes Center Stage
  • 28-Dec-2023 11:47 AM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

China's highly competitive paint and waterproof coating industry operates within a structured hierarchy, characterized by fierce competition am... Read More

Amnah Pledges Hydrogen Support for Oman's Eco-Friendly Steel Sector
  • 28-Dec-2023 11:21 AM
  • Journalist: Gabreilla Figueroa

Amnah, a multinational consortium that secured Oman's initial land block through an international auction for green hydrogen development, has dis... Read More

China's Import-Export Tariff Adjustments and its Impact on Global Trade
  • 27-Dec-2023 06:37 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

In a significant move to align with the new development concept and propel the construction of a new development pattern, the State Council of the ... Read More

China Witnesses an 82% Decline in VAM Exports for November
  • 27-Dec-2023 06:11 PM
  • Journalist: Peter Schmidt

In November this year, China's vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) exports took a sharp nosedive, recording a staggering 81.7% drop compared to the pre... Read More

