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RAMACO Subsidiary Secures NETL Patent to Develop Innovative Applications for US Coal
  • 25-Oct-2023 06:54 PM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

Carbon Holdings Intellectual Properties, a subsidiary of Ramaco, has acquired groundbreaking technology developed by the National Energy Technology... Read More

Record Production Dampens US Natural Gas Prices in October 2023
  • 25-Oct-2023 05:46 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

Texas (USA): US Natural gas prices have reached a position of three-week low due to record production, ample storage, and l... Read More

Steel Rebar Prices Continue to Dip in European Market Amid Sluggish Construction Activity
  • 25-Oct-2023 05:22 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

In the third week of October, the price of Steel Rebar remains on a lower edge in the European spot market as the demand from the downstream constr... Read More

Global Glyoxylic Acid Market Experiences Slight Price Surge Following Prolonged Stability Period
  • 25-Oct-2023 05:13 PM
  • Journalist: Gabreilla Figueroa

During the past two weeks of October 2023, the Glyoxylic Acid market has witnessed a slight uptick in prices in the global market after a prolonged... Read More

