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Steady Prices Prevail in American Butyl Acrylate Market Amidst Slowing Demand
  • 23-Nov-2023 03:36 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Santos, Brazil- In the American market, Butyl Acrylate showcased a constant price trend despite the inclination in the prices... Read More

US Galvanized Plain Sheet Prices Show Bullish Trend Amidst Supply Disruption
  • 23-Nov-2023 03:01 PM
  • Journalist: Sasha Fernandes

In the third week of November 2023, the price of the Galvanized Plain Sheet showed a rising trend in the US spot market as the supply tightened in do... Read More

Sluggish Downstream Demand Drives Down US Mixed Xylene Prices
  • 23-Nov-2023 02:30 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

A bearish sentiment continues to sweep across the Mixed Xylene market in the US, mostly due to tepid downstream demand with year-end requirements sta... Read More

Global LAB Market Faces Downturn in November 2023 Amidst Falling Feedstock Costs
  • 23-Nov-2023 02:08 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

In the first half of November 2023, the global Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) market faced a downturn primarily attributed to a drop in its feedstock, Be... Read More

