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Calcium Chloride Prices Budge Downward in the Netherlands Amid Low Downstream Demand
  • 24-Nov-2023 03:01 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

The domestic market for Calcium Chloride in the Netherlands has experienced a notable price downturn, primarily driven by a decrease in demand downst... Read More

US Detergent Alcohol Prices Soar in November Amid Increased End-User Inquiries
  • 24-Nov-2023 02:40 PM
  • Journalist: Peter Schmidt

Texas, USA: The prices of Detergent Alcohol have witnessed an upward momentum in the USA's domestic market. With the adva... Read More

Global MEA Triazine Market Faces Headwind Amidst Dwindling Demand from Oil and Gas Industries
  • 24-Nov-2023 02:18 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

In a challenging turn of events, the MEA Triazine market in the global market encountered significant headwinds due to a substantial drop in demand f... Read More

PureCycle Publishes Life Cycle Assessment of Antwerp Recycling Facility
  • 24-Nov-2023 01:39 PM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

In a notable development, the Norwegian certification body DNV has recently completed an extensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of PureCycle's upc... Read More

