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mLLDPE Price Declines Amid Weakening Demand and Lower Feedstock Costs
  • 15-Dec-2023 06:08 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

In the initial half of December 2023, the Metallocene Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (mLLDPE) market experienced a negative trend... Read More

Codelco Chairman Affirms Confidence in Lithium Agreement with SQM by Year-End
  • 15-Dec-2023 06:02 PM
  • Journalist: Xiang Hong

Maximo Pacheco, the Chairman of Codelco, recently reiterated his belief that the state-owned Chilean copper giant will successfull... Read More

Korea Secures Over 6-Month Urea Reserves Amid Supply Concerns
  • 15-Dec-2023 05:40 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

Korea has taken measures to secure a stockpile of urea for more than six months, responding to increasing apprehensions about its ... Read More

Demand Lacklustre Alters Urea Prices in the USA and Europe in November 2023
  • 15-Dec-2023 05:29 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

The Urea market in the European and North American region encountered a bearish trend throughout November 2023. This downturn in U... Read More

