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Improving New Order Backs Italian Zirconium Silicate Price Surge in November 2023
  • 18-Dec-2023 05:11 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

The price of Zirconium Silicate displayed an upward trend in November 2023 following a decline in the month of October 2023. Merchants in the Italian... Read More

South Australia Set to Host $425 Million Biomass Hydrogen Plant Project
  • 18-Dec-2023 05:07 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffle

Greenhill Energy has recently announced a bold and ambitious plan to invest $425 million in the creation of Australia's leading integrated waste-... Read More

Aniline Prices Fall in the US Market Amid a Decline in Quotations From Asian Exporters
  • 18-Dec-2023 04:48 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

Texas, USA- As the days are becoming colder and temperature is declining in the Northern Hemisphere, Aniline prices are witne... Read More

US Paraxylene Contracts Exhibit a Decline in December
  • 18-Dec-2023 04:41 PM
  • Journalist: Emilia Jackson

In December, contract prices for U.S. paraxylene (PX) witnessed a decline, dropping by one cent to reach 54 cents per pound (equivalent to USD 1,190.... Read More

