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Omicron Threat in China Concerning Key Players, Traders are Uncertain About Price Trend of Additives and Oxo Chemicals
  • 19-Jan-2022 04:25 PM
  • Journalist: Xiang Hong

Pandemic uncertainties and temporary havocs are becoming new normal in our lives, as COVID is not letting these situations vanished. Whether the mark... Read More

Robust Demand for EV batteries and Mining Controversies to Keep Lithium Carbonate Prices Sturdy Across the Globe
  • 19-Jan-2022 04:09 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Concerns over the supply of Lithium from China has been pushing up its prices to significant highs in the first half of January. Demand for Lithium has strengt... Read More

Malaysia Glycerine Prices Are Consistently Rising Due To High Demand Amid Constraint Supply
  • 19-Jan-2022 03:45 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Since the start of January 2022, the Malaysian Glycerine market witnessed immense pressure from both supply and demand outlook due to rising inquiries from the... Read More

China witnesses a consistent rise in Calcium Powder prices on the back of the increased raw material costs
  • 19-Jan-2022 03:23 PM
  • Journalist: Li Hua

The nutraceutical industry in China is witnessing a consistent rise in the prices of its several products, including Calcium Powder, on the ba... Read More

