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Prices of Styrene in US to advanced again after high demand in the commodity
  • 20-Jan-2022 01:50 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

In US, the prices of styrene rose once again amid high demand and muted supply. The prices surged to $1385/ton FOB Texas with week-on-week inclination of 1.46% compared with the first week of Ja... Read More

Positive Revision Announced by Key Player, 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid Prices are Rising in USA
  • 20-Jan-2022 01:41 PM
  • Journalist: Gabreilla Figueroa

Global inflationary pressure has been a major concern for key players of several commodity in the global market. Several key manufacturers heard making frequen... Read More

Monochloroacetic Acid Prices Face Upward Pressure Backed by High Upstream Costs
  • 20-Jan-2022 01:08 PM
  • Journalist: S. Jayavikraman

Monochloroacetic Acid prices increased in the Indian market for the current week due to robust demand from the end user industries and tight supply of the product. Also, the prices for feedstock... Read More

Scarce Supply Amid Overshooting FMCG Demand Bolstered Recycled Bottle Grade PET Resin Market in Europe
  • 20-Jan-2022 12:57 PM
  • Journalist: Henry Locke

With expediting government attempts and spurring legislation for the establishment of a circular economy in pl... Read More

