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Saudi Arabia’s Butyl Glycol Price Falls in June
  • 16-Jun-2022 03:08 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

Jebel Ali, Saudi Arabia: Over the past two weeks, the Butyl Glycol market has been witnessing bearish market sentiments across the S... Read More

Despite Fluctuations in Methanol Values, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether Prices Accelerate Across Globe
  • 16-Jun-2022 02:42 PM
  • Journalist: Peter Schmidt

Mumbai, India- With the rising conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the prices of Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) increased due to healthy gasoline de... Read More

Aniline Price Increase Marginally in Asian Market
  • 16-Jun-2022 02:00 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

The price of Aniline has witnessed a slight increase during the 2nd week of June in the Asian region. The slight upward trend is backed by the fluctu... Read More

Sharp Fall in Acetic Anhydride Prices in China
  • 15-Jun-2022 05:49 PM
  • Journalist: Jung Hoon

Shanghai, China: Acetic Anhydride prices have recently been falling in the domestic market after stagnating. Not only the factory prices but the tran... Read More

