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The Tragedy Struck in Turkey Raises Concern Over Global Crude Oil Supplies
  • 10-Feb-2023 01:39 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

Crude Oil shipments and prices have been impacted globally by the two earthquakes in Turkey's eastern region. As a precaution, Turkey has alrea... Read More

Calvera Hydrogen Introduces the Tube Trailer Model with Unprecedented World-Leading Capacity for Shell Hydrogen Transportation
  • 10-Feb-2023 12:54 PM
  • Journalist: Emilia Jackson

Europe: Calvera Hydrogen, a leader in the Hydrogen industry and expert in compression, transport, storage, and dispensing of high-pressure Hydrogen... Read More

The n-Propanol Market Continues to be Stable in China For More Than a Month
  • 10-Feb-2023 11:52 AM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

China's n-Propanol market is still stable. Due to average supply-demand dynamics, the market for n-Propanol has been balanced over the past fou... Read More

European Parliament Plans to Dramatically Reduce Pesticide Use By 80%
  • 10-Feb-2023 11:46 AM
  • Journalist: Peter Schmidt

Europe: The Member of the European Parliament in charge of revising the EU’s Pesticide framework has proposed more ambitious targets and time... Read More

