For the Quarter Ending December 2022
North America
The market for Furosemide API in the North American region fluctuated in the fourth quarter of 2022. Prices started to rise in Q4 2022 and kept growing due to high manufacturing costs, numerous logistical problems, and rising inflation through the second month of the fourth quarter.
Growing transportation costs and port congestion at the key ports also helped to maintain the market position. Furthermore, a slowdown in API output due to rising energy prices had a favorable positive effect on the market situation. Later in December, prices started to drop as a result of weakening inflation and declining end-user sector demand as the festival season drew near. The settlement price for Furosemide API dropped to USD 80425/MT CFR in Los Angeles in December.
The fourth quarter of 2022 saw a tumultuous trajectory for the Asia Pacific Furosemide API market. It was stated at the beginning of Q4 2022 that rising end-user sector demand, a number of logistical difficulties, and rising inflation would cause prices to increase during the second month of the quarter. Due to rising production costs driven by rising energy prices and increased domestic production to fill demands from domestic and international markets, the market remained competitive. The strict zero covid regulations and frequent lockdowns in the Chinese regions have had an effect on the market. However, because domestic stores had enough supplies on hand later in December, Furosemide API prices did start to fall. However, because domestic retailers had enough supplies on hand later in December, furosemide prices did start to fall. The softening of the policies and the underwhelming downstream demand also contributed to the market's continued downturn. The settlement price for Furosemide API dropped to USD 75325/MT FOB Shanghai in December.
Prices for Furosemide API in the European region fluctuated in the fourth quarter of 2022. The demand for Furosemide API in the pharmaceutical industry's downstream market was seen to be stable. In the first two months of Q4 022, price increases were caused by the European region's continuous port congestion and supply disruption. Increased freight costs also had an impact on the trajectory of the API for furosemide. Because of the impending Christmas season and the need to prepare for it, European retailers have decided to restock their inventory significantly. However, due to a decline in inflation, relief from port congestion, and a little increase in domestic merchant stocks, prices fell significantly in the month of December. The cost of Furosemide API was USD 82515/MT CFR Hamburg toward the end of Q4 2022.
For the Quarter Ending September 2022
North America
Because of strong downstream demand and a dearth of inquiries from the domestic market, furosemide prices in the North American region dramatically increased with a positive trend throughout the third quarter. Additionally, the increased inflammation put prices on the upper end in an effort to dampen customer purchasing intentions. At the start of the third quarter last month, the prices of furosemide API declined, which was followed by a decline in downstream industry inquiries and the start of destocking operations. The nearby merchant had adequate stock to satisfy the total demand. Overall, in the third quarter, Furosemide prices inclined stably with the settlement of USD 80430/MT CFR Los Angeles in the United States with an average Quarterly inclination of 4.52%.
In the Asia Pacific region, the prices of Furosemide showcased mixed market sentiments owing to fluctuating downstream demand from end-user pharmaceutical sectors. The prices inclined gradually during the First and second months of Q3 owing to healthy downstream demand from the pharmaceutical sector. Fresh inventories among the domestic merchants witnessed keeping the prices on the higher side. Furthermore, a halt in production activities and port congestion led to limited stocks, which supported the pricing tendency of Furosemide in the market. Later in September, the prices significantly dropped with sudden stabilization in demand from the end-user sector. Also, existing inventories and stockpile supplies kept the market feeble by the termination of Q3. Towards the termination of Q3, the prices of Furosemide were assessed at USD 73900 /MT FOB Shanghai in China with an average quarterly inclination of 1.57%.
During the third quarter of 2022, the price of Furosemide in Europe showed a rising market sentiment. The price of Furosemide in Europe was impacted by increased usage and lower consumer queries. Furthermore, a decreased trading activity that was consistently observed throughout the third quarter led to the stockpiling of cargo at European ports, supporting the upward price trend of Furosemide in the region of Europe. In addition, as Q3 came to a close, an uneven supply-demand situation was seen, and rising demand combined with slowed trading activity and rerouting activities put Furosemide prices on the upper side. Overall, the prices settled for Furosemide were at USD 82020 /MT CFR Hamburg with an average quarterly inclination of 5.09%.