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Anticipated Improvements in Butyl Acetate Price in Q1 2024 for Both US and Germany
  • 17-Jan-2024 02:35 PM
  • Journalist: Stella Fernandes

Texas (US): Throughout the current week, Butyl Acetate prices in the US market have remained stable, large... Read More

US Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Prices Seek Recovery in Q1 2024 Amidst Economic Improvements and Geopolitical De-escalation
  • 17-Jan-2024 02:28 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

Texas, USA: In December 2023, the Ethylene Vinyl Acetate market experienced further weakness in the US dom... Read More

Underwhelming Market Sentiments Decreased Toluene Diisocyanate Prices in the European Market
  • 17-Jan-2024 02:19 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

In the prime week of 2024, the Toluene Diisocyanate price trend remained stagnant in Europe as the regional suppliers did not chan... Read More

Feeble Demand Declines German Polyamide Prices in the First half of Jan 2024
  • 17-Jan-2024 02:11 PM
  • Journalist: Sasha Fernandes

Over the past two weeks, Polyamide's pricing trend on the German market has been unfavourable. The main cause of this tendency... Read More

