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Stable Sulphuric Acid Prices in US and European Markets Amid Seasonal and Economic Influences
  • 17-Jun-2024 03:40 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Texas (USA): The Sulphuric Acid market in the US and Europe is showing a stable price trend, primarily due to the summer fert... Read More

Stability in Phosphoric Acid Prices in early June Amid Weak Downstream Demand and Inventory Destocking
  • 17-Jun-2024 03:25 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Mississippi (USA): In the global market, the price of Phosphoric Acid has shown stability in the first half of June. This sta... Read More

Falling Demand Leads Ammonia Prices to Carry Bearish Momentum in China and the USA
  • 17-Jun-2024 03:02 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

Ammonia market experienced bearish sentiments during the inaugural week of June 2024, in the Asian and North American market. Despite the rising cost... Read More

Arginine Prices Decline in Europe Amid Sufficient Inventories and Cautious Buying
  • 17-Jun-2024 02:41 PM
  • Journalist: Yage Kwon

Arginine prices in Europe have been on a downward trend since the start of June, and this is expected to persist throughout the mo... Read More

