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Sasol to Achieve 30% Reduction in Carbon Emission by Increasing Natural Gas Consumption
  • 28-Sep-2021 06:00 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

South Africa based major petrochemical corporation, Sasol Limited, has devised new targets towards its resolution of becoming a net-zero carbon emission company by 2050. Sasol, under its revised... Read More

Acetic Acid Prices in APAC Skyrocket Amid Ongoing Environmental Protection Inspections in China
  • 28-Sep-2021 03:00 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

The prices of Acetic Acid in China have been rising consistently for the past week at exponential rates. The price was $1154 per tonne on 20th September which increased to $1160 per tonne on 21s... Read More

PetroChina and Hengli outplay in China’s first state oil reserve auction: Prices to cool Off?
  • 28-Sep-2021 02:00 PM
  • Journalist: Xiang Hong

Hengli Petrochemical Co. Ltd. and Asia’s largest oil and natural gas producer as well as the subsidiary of China’s state-owned CNPC, PetroChina Co. Ltd. get possession of 60% of the ... Read More

CSIR-NCL and Reliance Industries together undertake to recycle medical plastic wastes
  • 27-Sep-2021 04:00 PM
  • Journalist: S. Jayavikraman

Indian government premier research institute, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, has joined hands with India’s multinational conglomerate company Reliance Industries and other Indian compa... Read More

