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Caustic Soda Prices in US to Remain Firm in Q1, No Relief in Supply Expected due to Series of Turnarounds
  • 13-Jan-2022 03:39 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

USA has been facing shortage of chlor-alkali products ever since the winter freeze in 2021. Inventories of Caustic Soda in US were further pressurised due to Ida hurricane Q3 2... Read More

U.S Market Strengthens on a Tight Supply of Lithium-Ion Battery Raw Material
  • 13-Jan-2022 03:07 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

The Conference of Parties (COP 26) was held in Glasgow from 31st October to 12th November 2021. In which numerous national delegates and party leaders along with bureaucrats pa... Read More

Production Halt at a Key Propylene Glycol Facility in China Induces a Steep Rise in Spot Prices
  • 13-Jan-2022 03:00 PM
  • Journalist: Xiang Hong

With the approaching Beijing Olympi... Read More

Benzene prices in Europe are expected to rise by 3-4 percent as crude hit a 9-week high
  • 13-Jan-2022 02:41 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

European Benzene prices are expected to witness an increment in prices for about 3-4% as prices for Benzene move in line with the crude prices. On the 13th of January 2022, European Brent crude ... Read More

