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Staggering Naphtha Weighs on Global Ethylene Oxide Prices
  • 17-Mar-2022 04:10 PM
  • Journalist: Henry Locke

In late February, as the world witnesses, the worst conflicts unfold in the Eastern European region between Russia and Ukraine lev... Read More

Polypropylene Prices Surged in the Americas on The Back of Shortage of Supplies
  • 17-Mar-2022 04:02 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

Polypropylene prices surged in North and South America during March 2022 against the backdrop of fewer imports, logistic issues, a... Read More

Due to current market uncertainties, the global silicate market is on the rise
  • 17-Mar-2022 03:54 PM
  • Journalist: Peter Schmidt

Since the third week of February, the crisis between Russia and Ukraine has created uncertainty in the global market. According to... Read More

Prices of USA Nonylphenol Ethoxylates surging due to exorbitant prices of feedstock
  • 17-Mar-2022 03:43 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

In this week, the price of Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in the USA surged to record heights where the prices were USD 1924/MT Gulf Coast with a week-on-week inclina... Read More

