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Phenol prices expected to rise in the global market
  • 23-Mar-2022 09:00 AM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

Phenol prices have been fluctuating globally since February, due to the Russian invasion on Ukraine. In addition to the conflict, the COVID outbrea... Read More

With OE Tire demand languishing in 2022, Replacement Tire boosts Elastomer Procurement in Europe
  • 22-Mar-2022 04:59 PM
  • Journalist: Kim Chul Son

The tire industry in Europe started the year on a firm note where favourable demand fundamentals for the replacement tire segment ... Read More

Acetaldehyde Prices Surges in the Global Market with rising feedstock Ethylene
  • 22-Mar-2022 04:33 PM
  • Journalist: Jung Hoon

Acetaldehyde prices have been rising in the global market as Feedstock Ethylene price continues to grow, backed by a rise in the cost of upstream C... Read More

Ammonia prices rally upwards with Fertilizer sector eroding
  • 22-Mar-2022 04:24 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

Ammonia prices continue to increase in the third week of March due to scarcity in supplies. Following a request from Russia's ... Read More

