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Contrary to global market, Polyol prices tumbling in China
  • 12-Apr-2022 05:29 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Polyol prices have been soaring across the globe on account of increased demand for foams from several end-user industries. Polyol finds its usage primarily in... Read More

Asia Pacific region to subjugate the Phenolic Resin market
  • 12-Apr-2022 04:49 PM
  • Journalist: Li Hua

The price of Phenolic resin showcased an upward trajectory in the Asian market by the second week of April. Soaring feedstock prices caused by the geopolitical tension along wi... Read More

With the Rising Upstream Values, Pyridine market soaring upwards
  • 12-Apr-2022 04:38 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

Pyridine prices have surged in the global market due to a substantial increase in upstream crude oil value and strong demand as an intermediate product from the down... Read More

Copper prices are soaring globally due to increasing LME cash prices
  • 12-Apr-2022 04:17 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Copper prices have remained high globally as the Copper Monthly Metals Index (MMI) rose 3.5 percent month over month, staying in a narrow trading range. Lesser numbe... Read More

