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Cyclohexanone Shoots up amidst the demand-supply Imbalance
  • 10-May-2022 04:32 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Shanghai: Cyclohexanone prices witnessed an upward trajectory movement in the Asia-Pacific region due to the rising raw material prices. The Cyclohex... Read More

How is Poly Vinyl chloride prices affected by the muted demand
  • 10-May-2022 03:41 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Shandong, China: Poly Vinyl Chloride pipe grade prices showed a downward trend in the global market at the start of the month of M... Read More

How Butyl Acrylate price spiralling globally but declined in India
  • 10-May-2022 03:32 PM
  • Journalist: Henry Locke

Houston, USA: Global Acrylate market has been going through a long uneven road, making all the market participants anxious and unc... Read More

Soda Ash or Sulfur: Which One to Determine the Sodium Bisulfite Market
  • 10-May-2022 03:23 PM
  • Journalist: Li Hua

Shanghai, China: These days, China has been a home to market uncertainties; the Chinese market scenarios appear vague and suspenseful. There's so much goin... Read More

