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How Downstream Industries Are Influencing the Prices Of PTMEG
  • 10-Jun-2022 03:56 PM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

Shanghai: The PTMEG (Poly Tetramethylene Ether Glycol) market climbed in the first week of June with few agreements’ futures rose due to rising... Read More

Deteriorating Supply Fundamentals Likely to Impact Potassium Carbonate Prices
  • 10-Jun-2022 03:50 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Potassium Chloride, the raw material for potassium carbonate, is observing a shortfall in supply, leading to a hike in its price. ... Read More

Booming Heavy Aromatic Naphtha Solvent Prices in Asia
  • 10-Jun-2022 03:43 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Delhi NCR, India: According to the latest monitoring data of ChemAnalyst, the Heavy Aromatic Naphtha Solvent market has been continuing an upward pri... Read More

Amid Speculations Around Production Scares, China O-Xylene Traders Scamper To Secure Material
  • 10-Jun-2022 03:38 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

The Chinese traders have been witnessing an increased demand for o-Xylene, showcasing a significant uptrend in the domestic market for the past few days. The EU's ban on Ru... Read More

