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Lithium Prices Show signs of Recovery in Japan and South Korea in July 2022
  • 28-Jul-2022 04:36 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Singapore: In July 2022, the Lithium market in the Asia Pacific region observed a significant surge in the offered quotations and the valuation for t... Read More

Super Absorbent Polymer Loses Momentum in the Asian Market in July 2022
  • 28-Jul-2022 04:10 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

The global economic slowdown and easing raw material costs have started affecting the pricing dynamics of several downstream derivatives in the Asi... Read More

Sluggish demand Affects the Price of Toluene in the USA and European market
  • 28-Jul-2022 03:49 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

Houston, USA: Toluene prices in the US have declined in the backdrop of rising inventories and limited demand from downstream industry. In addition... Read More

Snug Supply Of Doxycycline Hydrochloride Results in Price Escalation Globally
  • 28-Jul-2022 02:54 PM
  • Journalist: Yage Kwon

The market for Doxycycline Hydrochloride is soaring globally, and the prices rose extensively in July 2022. The analysis has concluded for three majo... Read More

