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Sluggish Demand Caused Asian Ammonium Nitrate Prices to remain on a Stable Trajectory
  • 24-Aug-2022 02:45 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

Ammonium Nitrate Prices have tumbled in Asia due to the stable market sentiment; however, signs of negative view have emerged in both the east and we... Read More

Is Any Recovery in Sight for Chinese VAM Prices in the Short Term?
  • 24-Aug-2022 09:56 AM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

Shanghai, China: For so long, the price value of Vinyl Acetate Monomer has been declining in the Chinese market. An increment in the value has become... Read More

Downstream Demand Remains Weak for the Asian Acrylamide Market
  • 23-Aug-2022 05:12 PM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

In August, weak market sentiments caused downward pressure on Acrylamide prices in the APAC region. The Indian chemical sectors witnessed slow market... Read More

Asian Lisinopril Prices Demonstrate a Positive Growth
  • 23-Aug-2022 04:25 PM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

In August 2022, the price of Lisinopril witnessed a steady to firm trend in the Asian countries, mainly India and China, owing to the increasing dema... Read More

