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A Slump in Demand Drive Down the German Meth Acrylic Acid Prices
  • 14-Dec-2022 06:48 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

The consumption of Meth Acrylic Acid decreased in the German market with the decline in product purchase activities from downstream paints and coat... Read More

US Benzoic Acid (Exp) Prices to Witness a Weak Market Sentiment
  • 14-Dec-2022 05:54 PM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

Benzoic Acid (Exp) prices in the US region will fall significantly throughout December 2022. Trade links with China are expected to support fragile... Read More

Sodium Benzoate Prices are Presumably to Curtail in German Market
  • 14-Dec-2022 05:46 PM
  • Journalist: Kim Chul Son

Hamburg: Based on ChemAnalyst data Prediction, Sodium Benzoate prices in the German domestic market are predicted to decline in the third week of D... Read More

Reduced Demand to Impede Bupropion Prices in the Global Market
  • 14-Dec-2022 04:57 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

The prices of Bupropion in the global market anticipate a wither market sentiment in the latter weeks of December after maintaining a sturdy tenden... Read More

