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Global Paraformaldehyde Players Remain Skeptical About Dropping Prices
  • 12-Dec-2022 03:11 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

Madrid, Spain- In light of shrinking profit margins, Paraformaldehyde market players are reluctant to lower prices further. European playe... Read More

Spiked Manufacturing Costs Impact the Magnesium Sulphate Prices in Germany
  • 12-Dec-2022 02:48 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

Frankfurt, Germany: In the German domestic market, Magnesium Sulphate prices have been continuously rising since the start of the fourth quarter of... Read More

Global Epinephrine API Prices to Witness a Downturn Trend in December 2022
  • 12-Dec-2022 02:26 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

This month, the prices of Epinephrine API, an active pharmaceutical ingredient, are likely to witness a weak market sentiment compared to the previ... Read More

Paracetamol API Prices to Go Southwards Globally Amid Recessionary Anxiety
  • 12-Dec-2022 11:06 AM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

According to recent statistics, Paracetamol API prices in Germany and USA will experience a considerable decline throughout December 2022 after mai... Read More

