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Reduced Demand to Impede Bupropion Prices in the Global Market
  • 14-Dec-2022 04:57 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

The prices of Bupropion in the global market anticipate a wither market sentiment in the latter weeks of December after maintaining a sturdy tenden... Read More

Global Ethylene Dichloride Prices Slump Due to a Steep Drop in Demand
  • 14-Dec-2022 03:46 PM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

Hamburg, Germany- The price of Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) across the globe continued to showcase a bearish price trend in the wake of weak trading f... Read More

European Toluene Diisocyanate Prices Follow Stagnant Trend Amid Weak Demand
  • 14-Dec-2022 03:29 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

As per the latest reports, the Toluene Diisocyanate price trend in the European region has been stable for the past couple of weeks. The prices are... Read More

Mounting Upstream Crude Oil Prices Accelerate the Pricing Dynamics of White Oil
  • 14-Dec-2022 02:55 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

The prices of White Oil have been consistently rising since the first week of December 2022 globally. The highly refined mineral oil is made from t... Read More

