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OQ Unveils $463 Million Ammonia Plant in Salalah
  • 16-Jan-2023 06:36 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

Salalah (Oman): The new ammonia plant in Salalah constructed by OQ (formerly known as Oman Oil Co.) was launched with an investment of roughly $463 m... Read More

Buru Scores Additional Western Australia Oil and Gas Exploration Permits
  • 16-Jan-2023 06:26 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

Perth (Australia): Buru Energy, a Perth-based oil and gas producer, has been given a boost with the awarding of two highly prospective petroleum expl... Read More

US May Cut Down Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) Import to Europe During the First Half of Q1 2023
  • 16-Jan-2023 05:18 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Europe: Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) imports into Europe are predicted to fall in the first two months of the year due to unanticipated weather-relat... Read More

Indonesia's Biofuel Push and Palm Oil Export Curb Plans to Hit World Veg-Oil Supplies
  • 16-Jan-2023 05:02 PM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

Jakarta: The world's vegetable oil supplies, already under pressure from lower production in Southeast Asia and Latin America, are expected to ... Read More

