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Surging Demand Propels to Raise Omeprazole API Prices in February 2023
  • 17-Feb-2023 05:16 PM
  • Journalist: Gabreilla Figueroa

The Omeprazole API prices are following an upward trajectory in February 2023 across the globe due to a rise in demand and orders from end-user buy... Read More

Would Russia's Decision to Cut Oil Output, Impact Its Carbon Black Prices?
  • 17-Feb-2023 04:26 PM
  • Journalist: Jung Hoon

Russia: The price of Carbon Black has consistently been falling in Russia for the last several weeks on the back of dropping oil prices. During the... Read More

High Demand Runs the Gamut of Melatonin Prices in the US
  • 17-Feb-2023 02:05 PM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

The price of Melatonin has been steadily increasing since the year 2023 began in the US domestic market. Currently, the global markets are displayi... Read More

Fluctuating Feedstock Prices Oscillate the Global MTBE Market
  • 17-Feb-2023 12:59 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

Beijing, China- In the expectation of fluctuations in feedstock Methanol prices, the Methyl Tert-butyl Ether (MTBE) market oscillated. In Asia, the... Read More

