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Improved Demand and Rising Feedstock Costs Likely to Drive Glycerine Prices in March 2023
  • 03-Mar-2023 02:26 PM
  • Journalist: Stella Fernandes

The price of Glycerine has started to showcase an optimistic trajectory across the globe from the mid of February 2023 and is expected to continue ... Read More

Losartan Potassium Prices Drop Globally Under the Pressure of Excessive Supply
  • 03-Mar-2023 02:07 PM
  • Journalist: Emilia Jackson

Global Losartan Potassium prices started to decrease going into H2 of Q1 2023 on the back of sufficient supply and sluggish demand. Chinese demand ... Read More

Global PVC Prices Likely to See Improved Market Sentiments Toward the End of Q1, 2023
  • 03-Mar-2023 01:55 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) price movement is expected to turn positive in the global market, owing to increasing international inquiries and reviving... Read More

U.S. Midwest May Enhance the Amount of Ethanol in Gasoline Under the EPA E15 Proposal
  • 03-Mar-2023 11:43 AM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

Illinois- The U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has offered a plan to incline the Ethanol percentage in biofuel prod... Read More

