Top Stories

World’s Biggest Naphtha fed Steam Cracker Project Announced in South Korea
  • 10-Mar-2023 02:36 PM
  • Journalist: Yage Kwon

S-Oil Corp in South Korea has launched its plan of large-scale petrochemical plant integration with Shaheen refinery on March 9. This collab includes... Read More

Recovering Demand Helps Polycarbonate Prices to Climb Up in Germany
  • 10-Mar-2023 02:25 PM
  • Journalist: Henry Locke

Germany: After facing a decline, the price of Polycarbonate has rebound to an upward trend during the past two weeks in the European... Read More

How the green flag given to 25 industrial projects in Odisha will drive the Indian PET resin market
  • 10-Mar-2023 01:52 PM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

Odisha (India): The Odisha government's state-level single window clearance authority (SLSWCA) has approved 25 industrial projec... Read More

USA’s Diesel Prices Continue to Descend in February 2023
  • 10-Mar-2023 12:49 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

Texas (USA): Diesel prices in the USA witnessed a decline of around 7.3% on month-on-month basis and settled at USD 4.2/gal at the end of Febr... Read More

