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North America Sees Increase in Need for Potassium Chloride as Fertilizer Usage Rises
  • 22-Mar-2023 03:22 PM
  • Journalist: Stella Fernandes

North America: The global market for Potassium Chloride is expanding at a healthy 3.6% CAGR and is estimated to be worth US... Read More

Pulp and Paper Industries Reap Benefits of Sodium Chlorate as Bleaching Agent and Weed Killer
  • 22-Mar-2023 03:07 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

Sodium Chlorate is an important oxidizing agent that finds a variety of application possibilities. In the industrial plant, concentrated sodium chloride solutions ar... Read More

Honduras Receives 100,000 Oil Palm Seedlings from Malaysia and Indonesia
  • 22-Mar-2023 02:24 PM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

Indonesia: Both Indonesia and Malaysia recently showed their solidarity and support for the hundreds of Honduran farmers af... Read More

MP Evans Announces Plans to Establish New Mill
  • 22-Mar-2023 01:55 PM
  • Journalist: Motoki Sasaki

Indonesia: MP Evans (MPE) celebrated its 150th anniversary in style, distributing an increased dividend of more than a fifth and setting a new milestone... Read More

