Top Stories

A Dip in Feedstock Cost Drives Down the Butadiene Prices in Europe at the End of May 2023
  • 02-Jun-2023 02:46 PM
  • Journalist: Timothy Greene

Butadiene prices have continued to decline across the European market in the last week of May 2023. The oversupplies of feedstoc... Read More

Innovation Norway Grants Aker Horizons up to NOK 135 million for Rjukan Green Hydrogen Project
  • 02-Jun-2023 11:55 AM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

FORNEBU, Norway: Innovation Norway awards Aker Horizons NOK 135 million for Rjukan’s green Hydrogen ... Read More

Sunflowers Wilt: U.S. Production Set to Plummet 18%
  • 01-Jun-2023 05:42 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

US: The USDA has reported a significant decrease in Sunflower production for the United States in 2023. ... Read More

Is the Global Freight Cycle Finally on the Upswing?
  • 01-Jun-2023 05:25 PM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

Europe: There are indications that global freight volumes may have reached their lowest point in the fir... Read More

