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Disruption in Supply/Demand Equilibrium Witness Oscillations in the US Di Isopropyl Ether Market
  • 16-Jun-2023 01:59 PM
  • Journalist: Stella Fernandes

Louisiana, USA- In May 2023, the Di isopropyl Ether price trend shifted, and prices decreased in the USA. The reason for this... Read More

European Diesel Market Watches Closely as Cyclone Biparjoy Disrupts Supply Chain
  • 16-Jun-2023 01:49 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

Gujarat, India: Cyclone Biparjoy is set to make landfall in Gujarat which will have a massive impact on both the infrastructu... Read More

Unexpected Surge in Polyolefin Plastomer Prices: Automotive Industry Defies Market Trends
  • 16-Jun-2023 11:19 AM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

Texas, USA: In a surprising turn of events, the prices of Polyolefin Plastomer experienced a substantial rebound in May 202... Read More

Soybean Processor in Des Moines Faces $20K Fine for Long-Term Air Pollution
  • 15-Jun-2023 06:30 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

US: The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has found that Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, a long-time producer of Soybean... Read More

